General Admission Requirements
Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy
Confidentiality of Student Records
Standards of Conduct
Admission of International Students
Transfer Students
Audit Students
Life Experience Credits
Academic Advising
10. School Calendar
General Admission Requirements
Students must be committed to the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ, through an ongoing relationship with Him, and by a desire to reach greater maturity in Him, in full obedience to His will. Students must be actively involved in a church. A high school diploma, or its equivalent, is a mandatory requirement for entrance into the undergraduate program.
Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy
National Bible College and Seminary policies are in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL-88-353) and all regulations adopted pursuant to such title to the end that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, gender or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity.
Furthermore, National Bible College and Seminary does not discriminate against ethnic origin, or gender in administration of its educational policies, scholarship programs, or admission policies, not with regard to access to, or treatment in its programs in respect to those with impaired vision, hearing or physical mobility. NBC/S is an Equal Opportunity Institution of Higher Learning.
Confidentiality of Student Records
National Bible College and Seminary provides confidentiality of student records. This policy is in complaince with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) as amended. At the discretion of the institution, directory information, i.e., student name, address, telephone number date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student and participation in officially recognized activities. Students may with hold directory information by notifying the Registrar in writing.
Standards of Conduct
Because of Biblical demands of discipleship, it is expected that all students attending NBC&S will maintain the highest standards of conviction and conduct. Specific rules and guidelines are outlined in the National Bible College and Seminary Student Handbook. Each student will receive a copy of this handbook upon admission to the college.
Admission of International Students
NBC&S is authorized by the US Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service to accept non-resident international students. International students must carry a full-time course load and maintain a 2.0 (or "C") average to remain in status. International students are responsible for contacting and working with the Foreign Student Liaison at NBC&S to provide necessary documentation and other requirements to maintain status. International students are responsible for keeping their personal data (name, address, phone number; etc.) current in their student file by contacting the Registrar's Office with changes.
Transfer Students
National Bible College & Seminary welcomes transfer students desiring to pursue their educational goals in Christian studies, and who wish to transfer from another accredited or approved college. However, each course is individually evaluated before acceptance to ensure that it meets the requirements of similar offerings at NBC&S. The decision to accept or reject transfer of credits rests solely with NBC&S.
Official transcripts (certified and sealed) must be submitted directly to the Enrollment Management office from all institutions of learning attended after high school graduation. Transcripts must indicate courses entered, courses in progress, courses completed, grade, and semester/quarter credit hours earned (as well as the accreditation of the college). Transcripts dated beyond ten (10) years will not be accepted. Only work completed with a "C" or better is transferable.
Results of aptitude and other special tests taken and evidence of standing should also be indicated on the transcript. Since NBC&S is a Bible college, credits may also be given for specific classes, seminars, conferences and programs relating to Biblical topics.
The transfer student should note that every student receiving a degree from NBC&S, regardless of the number of transfer credits, must complete the 30 hours of core courses.
Audit Students
Students who wish to enroll on a non-credit basis are classified as audit students. Courses will appear on the student's transcript, but will not receive credit. Audit students who enroll in a course and later decide to convert the course for credit shall file an approved academic petition within four weeks of the beginning of the semester and must be passing the course at the time of the request. Upon approval, the student shall pay the additional tuition and must submit all previous course assignments to their instructor by the sixth week of school.
Life Experience Credits
NBC&S also recognizes the value of, and accepts, certain Life Experience Credits. Any student who qualifies may be eligible for Advanced Standing through Life Experience credits (up to a maximum of 15 semester hours of credit). When applying for admission, those students who desire advanced standing should submit a Life Experience Credit Application form with all supporting documents for a formal evaluation by the Dean of Student Affairs.
Academic Advising
Students who have academic questions are encouraged to consult with their assigned Academic Advisor. It is advised that students keep copies of all their course enrollment forms to assist in academic advising and to safeguard the accuracy of student records.
Academic Calendar
National Bible College and Seminary's academic school year consists of two semesters plus a summer. A copy of our most recent calendar will
soon be available for downloading.