CED111(Dynamic Methods of Teaching) This course will discuss various teaching methods and models of instruction to equip students to become effective church teachers.
CED 200 (Elders and Christian Leadership) This course will discuss Biblical principles for Christian leaders and qualification for church Elders.
CED212(Philosophy and History of Christian Education) This course presents an overview of Biblical, theological, historical, philosophical foundations, and the basic objectives of Christian education in the local church.
CED213(Curriculum Development) This course provides a study of curriculum theories and principles for evaluating and selecting instructional materials for church and school educational ministries.
CED214(The Method and Message of Jesus’ Teachings) A practical study of the “how” (method) and the “what” (message) of Jesus’ teachings will be explored. This course will evaluate Jesus’ abundant use of proverbs, parables, paradox, and metaphors. Commonalties of Jesus’ teachings, both the wise men and the prophets of the Old Testaments will be discussed.
(Ministry to Children) This course teaches students how to effectively minister to children at various ages (birth to adolescence) in view of their spiritual, cultural, and psychological development.
(Principles of Christian Education) This course presents principles that the church may consider in developing Christian education.
(Ministry to Youth) A course designed to teach one how to effectively minister to youth from adolescence to young adulthood, in view of their particular spiritual, cultural, and psychological development.
(Student Teaching Project) The student is placed in a primary teaching role in a church or school under a supervised teacher. The student is responsible for writing and executing lesson plans and following the order of the classroom teacher. Assignments may vary; and contracts are agreed upon.
(Basic Christian Counseling) A survey of Christian approaches to the field of counseling focusing on: paradigms and models (how they compare, and how these strategies can be implemented in ministry).
CNS131(Pastoral Counseling) This course provides a comprehensive and informed focus on the core value of a therapeutic relationship in pastoral counseling. This course is aimed at the practice of pastoral counseling in congregational ministry, but it has relevance and value for all engaged in the spiritual and disciplined ministry of pastoral counseling.
(Youth Counseling) This course is designed to teach the dynamics involved in ministering to troubled teenagers. This course will also discuss the core youth issues of modern day.
(Effective Counseling Skills) A beginning examination of Biblical counseling to assist the student in helping others find God’s purpose for their lives.
(Marriage Counseling) An examination for the foundation of a successful marriage will be explored. Also a survey of God’s approach to a long lasting marriage will be investigated. The roles and responsibilities of the spouse will be discussed. This course will discuss God’s plan for a positive, loving sexual relationship.
(Family Counseling) This course provides a foundation for effective parenting. This course will give insight on how to take charge of the parent-child relationship as God intended. It will also provide an understanding of how God has uniquely formed the parent and the child.
(Group Counseling) This course is designed to teach the student how to initiate a small group program in a local church. The student will also learn principles of group counseling and their practical application in small groups.
(Grief Counseling) This course is designed to give students an understanding of the dynamics of counseling situations guiding families and patients through the stages of grief and death.
(Premarital Counseling) This course will discuss God’s unique plan for marriage. This course will clarify the roles and responsibilities of the spouse. Students will learn how to deal with issues, expectations, and family histories. Students will evaluate the readiness of a couple considering marriage.
CNS340(Family and Youth Counseling) Focus will be on the generational conflict in a Christian home in our troubled time, and the many issues faced by parents, families, and youth.
(Addiction Counseling) This course is designed to teach the dynamics involved in addictive behavior. It includes principles in implementing a twelve- step recovery approach. In addition, this course teaches one how to customize this approach for each addictive profile.
(Cross Cultural Communications) The purpose of this course is to learn the fundamentals of the theological and theoretical aspects of communicating the Gospel cross-culturally.
(Evangelism) A study of the Biblical mandates to evangelism. An emphasis will be placed on developing the skills of personal evangelism and equipping others to share their faith.
(Introduction to Missions) A study of the spheres of missions will be highlighted. Attention will be given to the various evangelism methods. Also, cultural anthropology, and its missionary and theological implications will be examined.
(Witnessing to Cults) A study of the various present-day cults. This course will address major points for witnessing to adherents of non-Christian religions. A clear understanding is given of the Biblical mandates to share our faith with cults.
(Cross Cultural Evangelism) A study of the Biblical injunctions to evangelize will be studied with emphasis on developing the skills of personal evangelism in relations to the various cultures in the world today.
(Church History I) From the Conception of the Church to 1499 AD
This course offers a unique contextual view of how the Christian church spread and developed. It will examine the integral link between the history of the world and that of the church, from the days of Jesus to the years prior to the Reformation. Offering overviews of the Roman, Greek, and Jewish worlds; insights into the church’s relationship to the Roman empire, with glimpses into pagan attitudes toward Christians; the place of art and architecture, literature and philosophy, both sacred and secular; and much more, spanning the time from conception (first) through the fourteenth centuries.
(Church History II) From 1500 to Present Day
A historical and theological survey of the development of the principal events, personalities, doctrinal and physical growth of the Christian churches from the Reformation to the Modern Era (Present Era). Special emphasis will be given to the development and characteristics of the church in a changing world with it’s response to modern thought, theological developments, reform and renewal movements which forms the church today. Prerequisite: Church History I
(History of Israel) A study of the origin and development of the people of Israel from the call of Abraham to the period after their exile. Focus is on key events, individuals and eras studied with special emphasis on the Exodus, conquest of Canaan, monarchy, divided kingdom and exile, is studied period per period from primeval period to post-exile period.
(New Testament Survey) A panoramic view of New Testament messages, doctrines, personalities, and problems of interpretation. This course encourages the student to mature spiritually as the scriptural principles discussed are put into practice in relationships with God, others, and oneself.
(Gospels: Life of Christ) This chronological study of the life of Christ will be informative, inspirational, and practical. The course will relate the parallel accounts in the four Gospels, and divide the life and ministry of Christ into generally accepted periods. Through proper study and research, the student will have a thorough understanding of Jesus’ example of ministry in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
(John: Gospel of Love) An in-depth study of the Gospel of John. Special attention is made to specific verses, accounts, parables, and miracles, unique to this gospel with emphasis on the practical application in the life of the Christian.
(Acts of the Apostles) A thorough study of the content of the Book of Acts with emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit in the origin and growth of the early Church. The journeys of Paul are studied with relationship to his Epistles.
(Pauline Epistles) A study of the Pauline Epistles is foundational for the understanding of God’s plan for the Church and individual Christian living. This course will show how the Epistles of Paul were written to both the individual and the Church. Consideration of each Epistle will include background information, occasion, place and date of writing, as well as an exposition of the content of the letters.
(Romans: The Overcoming Life) A practical study of Paul’s letters to the Romans dealing with the background of the book and its relation to the rest of the Pauline writings. Attention is given to understanding theological terms and concepts as “flesh,” “Spirit,” and “law” in the Epistle.
(General Epistles (or Hebrew Christian Epistles)) An exegetical study of First and Second Peter, First, Second, and Third John, James, and Jude. Authorship, themes, outlines and discussion of the issue raised in these Epistles will be studied.
(Hebrews: The Better Covenant) An exposition of the Book of Hebrews contrasts the Old and New Covenants. Each student will experience an enrichment of their life as they gain fuller understanding of the Book of Hebrews and its message.
(Parables of Jesus) This course is an exegetical study of the parables as told by Jesus in the Gospels. Emphasis will be placed upon techniques for properly defining, interpreting and teaching from these passages.
(Revelation) An expository presentation of the Book of Revelation, chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse. Revelation is an important book of Scripture. Each student will conduct a thorough and careful study, with the goal being that even the most difficult passages can be made understandable.
(Old Testament Survey) An overview and general study of all the books of the Old Testament. Questions of authorship, audience, themes and outline are developed with emphasis on how each book is integrated as a whole.
(Pentateuch: Five Books of Moses) An integrated survey of the geographical, cultural, and historical backgrounds, of each book of the Pentateuch. Significant issues of the Pentateuch are covered including evolution, higher criticism and the laws of Israel’s theocracy with regard to their content, meaning and applicability for today.
(Poetic Books) Selected portions of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon are studied with respect to divine inspiration and practical teaching.
(The Book of Job) A thorough study of the book of Job with special attention to the literary style and how literary style affects interpretation. Theological issues will be discussed and evaluated, i.e., the problem of suffering, the sovereignty of God, and creation science. Suggestions will be shared on ways to derive devotional value.
(Major Prophets) An intensive historical, doctrinal, and critical study of the international relation in the days of the prophets as well as the religious, spiritual, and civic decline of Judah during that time. Special emphasis is placed on the Messianic and millennial prophecies.
(Minor Prophets) A study of the twelve minor prophets, concentrating on the social, political, and religious conditions of their time comparing and contrasting their message and thought with the contemporary thinking of the time. These prophets were the spiritual, progressives, analysis, and exponents of their day.
(Book of Isaiah) This course will examine the book of Isaiah from historical and exegetical viewpoints. Students will become familiar with literary theories about the book and its major subdivisions. The course will engage the original historical settings of the book, as well as its use in the New Testament and its contemporary relevance.
(Homiletics I) This course will teach students the basic study in sermon preparation. Students will learn parts of the sermon: structure, and delivery. Emphasis is given to the analysis of student-prepared outlines and delivery of sermons.
(Principles of Bible Study) Various methods of Bible study are introduced in this course to prepare the student for an exciting lifetime of Bible investigation for personal growth and teaching opportunities. Methods include: word studies, biographical studies, historical studies and more.
(Basic Pastoral Care) A comprehensive study of the practical aspects of pastoral ministry. Subjects covered include the pastor as a divinely called servant, leader, preacher, teacher, counselor, administrator, spouse, and parent. This course is designed to show the student the challenging roles and insight of a pastor’s calling. This course will be taken from a Biblical perspective in today’s consumer oriented culture.
(Discipleship) A course designed to examine the interpersonal relationships and character development of the student, and apply the principles to the process of discipleship.
(Personal Growth) The student is lead into an evaluation of his/her present spiritual condition with practical instruction given on how to strengthen their walk with the Lord. A survey of the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, bible study, meditation, journaling, etc. will be covered in this course.
(Leadership Principles) This course is designed to increase the student’s knowledge of the theoretical aspects of leadership and of administrative roles within the Church. Secular and Christian ideas of leadership are examined and applied to Christian education in the local church.
(Christian Ethics) A study of Christian ethics for the everyday life with sound Biblical principles and practical application for the professional and problem aspects encountered in the ministry.
(Church Growth) A survey of the theological, sociological, and statistical dimensions of the church growth movement as they relate to evangelism, church development, Christian education, along with the basics for beginning a new church.
(Angelology) This course will provide study of the doctrine of the angels. This course will discover the role of angels in carrying out God’s plan. Identify and understand good and bad angels. The student will learn to create a trust and respect for, but not excessive fascination with, God’s angels.
(Basic Bible Doctrine) This course provides a systematic study of the Bible. The principle doctrines of the Scripture will be outlined and each discussed in a step- by-step process. The student will build theological foundation in this course.
(Anthropology) This course will provide a study of the teachings of Scripture concerning man and sin. The course corrects some of the false ideas about the origin of man and his nature. Personal application of truth to the lives of students and persons to whom they will minister is a specific focus of the study.
(Bibliology) Students will learn the fundamental teaching of the Christian faith: God, the Bible, Christ, man, sin, salvation, Holy Spirit, angels, Satan, and the end times.
(Christology) This course will provide comprehensive study of what the Scriptures say about Jesus Christ. The course introduces the student to Old Testament typology and to the prophecies concerning Christ’s present and future work. Controversial historical and contemporary views of Jesus are examined in relation to the Bible portrayal.
(Soteriology) This course will teach the doctrine of salvation, the work of Christ in bringing lost man into fellowship with God. The course includes the doctrines of repentance, faith, conversion, regeneration, justification, adoption, sanctification, and prayer in the life of a Christian. Included in the study are an analysis of Biblical passages relating to salvation and an evaluation of historical and contemporary view of salvation.
(Eschatology) A course introducing the different components of theology and theological language relative to the “study of things.” Provides the student with an in-depth study of individual discipline of eschatology within the framework of systematic theology.
(Pneumatology) Students enrolled in this class will learn the works of the Person and Holy Spirit: A scriptural and practical presentation of the nature, personality, gifts, and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Students will learn how to practically assess, value, and function in the gifts. This class will involve academic, as well as practical training.
(Ecclesiology) This class will teach a comprehensive study of the Biblical principles of the nature, mission and function of the church. Descriptions and roles of the church offices of pastor, elders, deacons, etc. are treated in this course.
(Theology of Prayer) An introduction to the Christian theology and methodology of prayer, communion with God, its purpose, and power are discussed and demonstrated through this dynamic course.
(Theology (Proper)) This class will study the Doctrine of God explaining three-and-oneness of God the Trinity; also showing the Absolute & Moral Attributes of God.
(Hamartiology) This courses will teach the Doctrine of Sin; the course of Sin, the beginning of Sin and the effect of Sin (broken fellowship with the Creator).
SYS326(Bible Doctrine I (Bibliology, Theology Proper, Pneumatology, Angelology)
The course will study the above topics of systematic theology: the nature of God and his communication to us, the Holy Spirit, his nature and work as part of the godhead, and what the Bible tells us about angels.
(Bible Doctrine II (Anthropology, Hamartiology, Christology)
The course covers the above topics of systematic theology: the nature of man and how God intended him to relate to his creator, the nature of sin and its effects in our world, and the nature and work of Christ as God's answer to sin.
(Bible Doctrine III (Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology)
The course will cover the topics of: the nature of salvation to provide God's solution to sin among the human race, what the church is like according to the plan of God, and how God will bring everything to its conclusion with the return of Christ at the end of the age.
(Theology of Worship) This course will explore the development of a music and worship program. Special emphasis is given to the Biblical basis for worship in the church today. Models and concepts of worship are examined.
(Names of God) Students will examine the names of God both in the Old and New Testaments. This course is designed to provide greater insight into the nature of God and our relationship to Him.
(Hermeneutics) This class will examine the science and laws of Biblical exegesis interpretation: the principles, methods, and rules by which the meaning of Scripture may be ascertained are examined.
(Fruit of the Spirit) This course study will examine the fruit of the Spirit as outlined in Galatians and how application is made to the life of the follower of Christ, predicated on “Love”.
(Faith Principles in Action) This course will introduce examples and testimonies of people of faith and how the spiritual disciplines were applied during time of victory and struggle as an effective witness for Christ.
(Comparative Religions) This course will provide a comparative study of the main world religious systems as related to the Biblical principles of Christianity. Modern cults are also addressed and major points in witnessing to adherents of non-Christian religions are discussed.
(Warfare Prayer) This course will equip the student regarding the nature and purpose of spiritual warfare.
(The Covenants of God) This course will explore the various covenants of God (Edenic Covenant to Covenant of Peace) in the Old Testament emphasizing their importance for the Church of Jesus Christ.
(Life and Journey of Paul) This course will provide a biographical study of the Apostle Paul focusing on how his life was shaped prior to his conversion, leading to his conversion and the effect his life had on those he ministered to after his conversion.
(Identifying Your Spiritual Gift) This course is designed to assist the student in discovering their calling in the ministry through the discovery of their God-given gifts. Also included is how to impart personal involvement in the local church by discovering, developing, and deploying the spiritual gift, and how to understand our part in the Great Commission of utilizing our gift into the greater vision of the local church.
(Feasts of Israel) An in-depth study of the feasts of Israel and the theological significance of the feasts as portrayed and defined in the New Testament.
(Miracles of Jesus) This course focuses on Jesus’ many miracles, establishing Him as Son of God with power over Satan, over nature, over death, over diseases & sickness, over Sabbath, and over demons.
(Apologetics) A study of the defense of the faith, particularly from the standpoint of the authority of the Bible and historic evidence of the Resurrection.
(Introduction to Greek) This course will enable the student to begin laying the foundation in New Testament Greek. The student will learn grammar and memorize a limited vocabulary; thereby equipping the student for the use of commentaries and other references.
(Preaching) This course will combine communication theory
with practical “how to steps” of preaching. Students will learn the various forms of communication. Students will gain an appreciation for different methods used in communicating and presenting the gospel.
(Theological and Biblical Writing I) This course focuses on pertinent terms associated with theology and to develop one’s abilities in reading English textbooks in the various fields of theology. A review of the fundamentals of grammar, including parts of speech and word functions, structure of sentence, problems of syntax and review of other basic skills.
(Theological and Biblical Writing II) Instruction in the principles of composition, including the practical aspects of research methods, reference tools and resources, and study skills.
(Ministerial Writing) Techniques of writing formal and informal letters for ministerial related subjects (i.e. invitations to guest speakers, appeals to congregation and various forms of ministerial correspondence. Prerequisite: TBW101 and TBW102
(A Christian's Perspective on American History and Government) A Christian's perspective on studying political, social, and economic development of the U.S., with emphasis on the growth of the republican/democratic tradition. Topics will include the founding fathers, voting behaviors, the judicial branch, civil rights, civil liberties, the legislative branch, the presidency, and the role of religion.
(Survey of Christian and Islamic Relations) This course explores the history of Christian and Islamic relations to understand the ongoing conflict in today's culture.
(Principles of Psychology and Counseling) A study of the major elements of psychology, including theories and application. Topics will include human development, learning, perception, memory, personality, and behavior.
(Introduction to Sociology) This course is a survey of basic concepts
and formulations in sociology, such as functional, conflict, and interaction perspectives; as they are applied to the study of structure and process in society, from the group to the institutional level.
(Introduction to Computers) A study of the use of software, such as Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint). Emphasis will not be on the mechanics of the software but the use of the software to present ideas, for persuasion, and for analysis.
(Church Finance) An introduction to the administration of church business as a non-profit entity. An overview of such things as management, marketing, finance and accounting will be given.